Saturday, November 18, 2023

 I am very grateful that I get to teach, learn, and grow with your wonderful children this year. They all bring such joy and love to our classroom community every day!

May this break be filled with family time, good food, and some rest & relaxation! 
Don't forget to play

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Habitats, Service Project, & First Snowfall!


Kindergartners began a new unit in Math. Throughout, the focus is on describing and comparing 2D shapes. Students took a shape hunt, explored shape manipulatives, practiced writing the number 4, and made some more progress on Happy Numbers. 

This week we concluded our Civics unit with a service project.  Students wanted to help make recess a safer place for all UCS students. Students chose a rule they wanted to highlight with a poster and video clip.  Once again students rocked at sounding out words and getting some of those sounds written down on their posters.   This video was shared with our school, it is linked below. 

We introduced a heart word this week.  Heart words are also known as high-frequency words.  Heart words remind us that we need to learn them by heart because the spelling/sounds are irregular. Our first word is The.  The e has a heart over it because the e makes an  /u/ sound.  We also placed a heart over the /th/ as well because we haven't spent much time on the th sound.  Hope this makes a little sense.

Thank you for placing your book orders!  You helped our class earn two books and 2 phonic reader bundles.  Thank you!  I will let you know when your order arrives if you would like them saved for pick up or just given to your child to take home.

                                                      Playground Safety Video

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Computer games, Stories, and Animals in Winter


This week we saw our first real snowfall! Students were thrilled with excitement! During ECO we explored habitats and how the seasonal changes force animals to migrate, hibernate, go dormant, or grow thicker fur to survive being active through the winter.  Students acted out scenarios and played games to practice these concepts. PLEASE continue to pack multiple layers, warm coats, mittens, hats, boots, and snow pants if they want.  A few Kindergartners were cold on Friday, luckily we had some extra layers (blankets and coats) packed for our lesson.

In Literacy, students began writing 3-page narrative stories.  These stories may have a beginning, middle, and end. Many students are beginning to add labels to their writing, using the sound wall to help them recognize the letters that make these sounds. 

Students were introduced to two computer programs this week.  One was Lolilo, which is a literacy program that meets the children where they are similar to the Happy Numbers program.  We also explored Pebble Go which is a wonderful resource when learning about animals.  Students explored the animal they are learning about and then surfed around choosing other animals of interest. 

In Math, we had fun with different pumpkin-themed activities like counting seeds, pumpkin bingo, and other games.  


Please pack your child some extra clothes if needed.  Many students have used up their extra clothes supply.  Thank you!

Book orders will be placed on Wednesday.  Thank you!

  Enjoy spring break and rest up for the remaining weeks of Kindergarten, they are going to fly by! Notes: *My outdoor theater project has b...